Sunday, April 28, 2013

Self-Confidence Effective Trait

One of the traits that makes a leader effective is self-confidence. Have you really observed a leader that is confident in the job they are doing? There is a calm, reassuring mantra given off to followers that makes them feel confident and self-assured that the jobs being done is adequate and that troubling situations can be overcome. Self-confidence is difficult to achieve. Many times this trait can morph into other ones like conceit, overconfidence, or bumptiousness. It is truly special to be around this type of leader, the trait is contagious. Here’s some examples of what makes this leader special. 

Communication-The words chosen from a self-confident leader is chosen carefully but with ease. Statements are inclusive and they let followers know that while a vision has been created the leader wants the team to choose the path to carry out the vision. There is a positive intent with the communication offered.

Non-verbal communication is usually open with a reassuring smile. When the self-confident leader needs to be direct the non-verbal communication displayed matches the message of urgency but not panic.

Belief in self-Part of the reason a self-confident leader can communicate and lead effectively is because there is a confident belief in their own capabilities. I heard once that a person that achieves self-confidence can ignore critics because of their inherent belief of their own effectiveness.

 Importance of Others-The self-confident leader makes others around them feel important. Team members will express that they are able to control their responsibilities, jobs, and daily routines which makes them feel like they can claim the work they’ve done. People that don’t know this leader or don’t report to this leader may say things like, “they make me feel like the most important person,” or “it feels like from our discussion that I’ve known them all my life.”

Self-confidence has to be managed. This trait can morph into things that erode effectiveness, validity, and credibility. Charisma can become spoiled. Here are some leadership flaws that can evolve from too much self-confidence;

Micro managing- Unmanaged self-confidence can develop into a leader that lets people do their work, making their own decisions to one that needs to be involved in every decision made, needs to be communicated with about everything occurring in the organization. This leader can develop a belief that success can be only achieved if they do the work themselves.

Superiority complex- This psychological leadership flaw can develop if confidence erodes and a feeling of being inferior is substituted. As situations in the organization change, attrition occurs and a leader’s network is replaced a sense of vulnerability or inferiority can occur. Confidence is superseded by arrogance to cover up the new feeling of inferiority.

These are just a few examples of how self-confidence can erode. The ability to influence people can become one of leveraging. Guidance can become disguised in manipulation’s clothing. Keep self-confidence in check because it can connect leadership effectiveness to organizational success.      

1 comment:

  1. Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: WORK” – Jack Nicklaus, American professional golfer (1940- ) self confidence
